PAK vs ENG: Babar Adam responds to Aqib Javed


PAK vs ENG: Babar Azam responds to Aqib Javed

'Everyone has their own opinion, we don't think about what people are saying,' said Babar Azam

By Web Desk
September 19, 2022
Source: Twitter

KARACHI: Pakistan team captain Babar Azam responded to former cricketer Aqib Javed who criticized him on his batting strike-rate. 

Speaking to media here on Monday, Babar said they don't care about outside gossips. 

"Everyone has their own opinion, we don't think about what people are saying," said Babar. 

"We don't let such things come inside the team. Being a player, they should understand all of this situation. There shouldn't be personal attack," he added. 

Earlier in an interview, Aqib criticized Babar on his batting strike-rate. 
